Categoriearchief: Digital Learning

Learning how to apply digital learning (part 3)

Fund raising and key issues for setting up an online course In the last two blogs[1] I wrote about the creation of a digital course and the online environment, the platform, that is necessary for this course. The goal of the … Lees verder

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Learning how to apply digital learning (part 2)

User story development In my last blog[1] of February 13, 2017, I recalled my meeting with the team of the Connected Academy in January, when I learned how to apply digital learning in a course. In two days the team came … Lees verder

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Learning how to apply digital learning (part 1)

January 23 and 24, 2017 I had the opportunity to join a meeting of the project group ‘The Connected Academy’. Attending were David Theo Goldberg and Claudia Caro Sullivan from the University of California, Jonathan Worth and Ahmed Kharrufa (last … Lees verder

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Digital learning, revisited

Slide from Elizabeth Losh, PowerPoint presentation Future-U, June 22, 2015 This November I read the four blogs on the role of technology in digital learning, published on by Nishant Shah and two of his colleagues at Leuphana Digital School[i]. … Lees verder

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